Saturday 8 November 2014

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Baffin Island, the largest island in Canada

شلال جزيرة بافن 
Baffin Island is located in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, the largest island in Canada and the fifth largest island in the world.
An area of 507 451 km2 (195 928 sq mi) and a population of about 11,000 (estimate in 2007). Named for the English explorer William Baffin name, is likely to be known by the explorers of the island of Greenland and Iceland.

Extends Baffin Island, Nunavut, about 507 451 km 2, 1500 km and 200-700 km, which is the largest island in Canada and the fifth largest island in the world. Located in Nunavut in the Arctic Archipelago, to be separated from Greenland by Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, north of Quebec by the Hudson Strait, and semi-Melville Island by Fox Basin and narrow Strait of structure.

There are huge ice sheets that cover most of Canada, which grew by about 18, 000 years ago, still sheathed tribute to extensive areas of snow throughout the year about 1500 years ago.
Geology, Baffin Island is the eastern edge of the Canadian Shield, which tend to top the Middle to form the backbone of the mountain slope away from the hills and plains of the West. The east coast is deeply indented Cumberland Sound. And includes a barren plateau in the north of the Broder and Borden Island, believes there is one of the largest fjords in the world. Hantzsch River south of the peninsula to Fox, which consists of the coastal strip, there are herbs swamps and easy to top a little bit to show a series of ancient beaches. Fox Island is a semi-rock into the sea on the west coast. There are many freshwater lakes on the island.

Pavin is a wonderful place that contains beluga whales and polar, the island is also a nesting place for millions of birds, including the thick-billed murres, fulmars Ketyawakis. Dewey of protected migratory birds, which protects the summer nesting area for about two million migratory birds.

Environmental concerns
The effects of climate change on the Arctic change as a source of growing concern. Various studies have worked to document these changes, including the study in 2009. Through the study of sediments, they were able to study the changes in the environment over a period of 200,000 years. Until the 20th century, and environmental changes that can be explained by natural processes. However, at the beginning of the 20th century the lake sediments of environmental changes and deviation from the natural course of the past 200,000 years and revealed. Scientists have attributed these changes in the warming caused by human activities.


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