Tuesday 11 November 2014

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National Museum of Scotland

At the National Museum in Scotland you can see the treasures of historic eras of which follow the story of Scotland from popular culture fascinating excavations. Scottish and exhibitions in the building in 1998 to cover Scottish history in chronological order, starting from prehistoric times to the early Middle Ages in the lowest level, with subsequent periods at higher levels.
National Museum of Scotland
 Victorian building, re-opened in 2011, and which contains the 16 districts of the show, and covers natural history and cultures of the world, which includes a show at the South Pacific, the art of East Asia, ancient Egypt, "Art and Industry", and decorative arts European including clothing and technology.

National Museum of Scotland is one of the top 10 attractions in the United Kingdom, and the Museum of the top 20 museums and galleries to visit most of the world's supply.

The redevelopment of the museum in the amount of £ 47000000. The museum houses a stunning collection with more than 20,000 of the wonderful artefacts, which consists of a variety of groups nicely takes in an inspiring journey through the history of Scotland, and the wonders of nature and cultures of the world and places the flag and wonderful places to discover - all under one roof.

Constitute the National Museum of Scotland, according to an Act of Parliament in 1985, is to integrate the former National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland and the Royal Scottish Museum. National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, formed in 2006, and has been with the integration of the new Museum of Scotland, with groups of related effects Scottish, culture, history, royal adjacent museum (which was renamed in 1995), with collections covering science and technology, and history natural, and world cultures. Connected buildings next to each other on the street rooms, before the intersection with George IV Bridge, in central Edinburgh. The museum is part of the National Museum of Scotland. Admission is free.

The National Museum houses collections of the National Museum of Antiquities of the former Scotland, the Royal Museum. As well as major national collections of Scottish archaeological finds and things in the Middle Ages, and the museum contains artifacts from all over the world, and include geological monuments, archeology, natural history, science, technology and art. The museum houses a large number of lounges (16 new Hall), which was re-opened in 2011 to include 8,000 pieces, and contains 80 per cent of Almaro assumptions that have not been already. The museum also houses one of the most prominent exhibits on the stuffed body of Dolly the sheep, the first successful cloning of mammal from an adult cell. Among the most prominent other ancient Egyptian exhibitions, one of the suits Elton John extravagant great kinetic sculpture clock Millennium. In 2013, accept the museum about 1.76809 million visitors during the year.


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